We are part of Signify - the world leader in lighting. Also formerly known as Philips lighting. We’ve been helping farmers like you to benefit from agricultural lighting for more than 25 years.

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Our dynamic lighting systems combine the latest LED technology with scientific research. They give you a powerful tool to promote optimal animal growth and production.

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Lighting for animals is evolving rapidly. At Signify, we are dedicated to being at the forefront of scientific research and innovation. Our team of scientists and engineers work tirelessly to develop cutting-edge lighting solutions that are both innovative and sustainable.


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Our light recipes combine the latest LED technology with scientific research for your cage-free housing. Maximize your egg production with our light recipe for layers.

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Our team will partner with you to custom design a light plan for your barn. To get started, connect with us using the button below.

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Dim-to-RedPerfect solution for layers

Multiple studies have shown that egg production can be maximized by using enhanced red lighting. ONCE light recipes create the unique opportunity to adjust your lighting in every stage of egg production.

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ONCE has calculated that the financial impact of an increase by 2% floor eggs on a farm with 100.000 layers could be as high as 82.000 USD per flock.  

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Disinfect Eggswith UVC Lighting

Our team of scientists and researchers studied eggshell bacterial reduction by UVC and chemical disinfection methods proving a 5-minute exposure in the Once UVC Bioshift reduced bacteria and viraal load by up to 99.99%.

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Questions?Let's Connect

"We support our farmers to get the most out of their dynamic lighting systems," - Dyke Addis, expert in Layer lighting and biosecurity. 

How can we help? We love to share ideas and experiences on how to improve production and animal welfare.

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Choose which products are right for you to get the best results for your farm, from the world leader in agriculture lighting.

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Broiler Lighting

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