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Our dynamic lighting systems combine the latest LED technology with scientific research. They give you a powerful tool to promote optimal animal growth and production.

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Circadian Rhythms with Dynamic Lighting

Circadian Rhythms with Dynamic Lighting

Lighting is one of the most important environmental factors in broiler production. The lighting schedule intensity, distribution and spectrum influence many behavioral and physiological aspects of broiler chickens. These aspects include social interactions, foraging, management of sleep/wake cycles, physical activity, metabolism and endocrine (hormonal) functions. like activity and distribution. The daily rhythmicity light leads to the entrainment of its circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythms (circa approx., dian, “day”) are the 24-hour rhythms of biological processes and behavoirs of the animal. Said another way, captured in photoperiod, intensity, and spectrum, in correlation with other processes in the barn, like feeding and ventilation, is leading to the circadian rhythm.  


Just like most mammals, chickens will benefit from a regulated photoperiod, that is linked to the natural 24hr day length. With rhythmicity in the lighting, photo-entrainment of chickens is established, which ensures that physiological processes are locked in a certain oscillation. One of these is the processes is the secretion of the pineal hormone melatonin, that is linked to growth, development an aging. Abrupt changes to the photoperiod or circadian rhythm will affect these circadian processes and should thus be prevented. 

Intensity and spectrum 

Chickens respond differently under various intensities and color spectrum. Where a low intensity of monochromatic light color will reduce their activity, as it reduces their visual capacity, a high intensity of full spectrum lighting will enhance their activity. Modern broilers require good development in the early phase of life, to ensure less problems in the latter part of the production cycle. This early development can be enhanced by ensuring sufficient locomotion and reduced stress in the first weeks.  

Conditioning birds for events 

Sunset and sunrise are potential stressful events in a broiler barn. Gradual dimming, with lighting that can dim to very low intensities can help to prevent stress, as birds know what is coming when the intensity starts changing. But did you ever consider having different intensities in the early morning, versus the late afternoon? By having different light settings, birds can be conditioned to certain events, like feeding or the start of sunset.  

Dynamic lighting 

ONCE has recently released the NatureDynamics platform, which provides Dynamic Lighting for poultry barns. With Dynamic lighting we can fully adapt the lighting to the needs of the birds, and can create a circadian rhythm, that is changes the intensity and color spectrum throughout the day. This circadian rhythm is captured in a so called ‘Light recipe’. By adjusting the light recipes to the specific situation on the farm, we can support farmers to achieve the best possible results.  

Our Dynamic Lighting has shown to improve bird health and welfare at multiple customers. Read more about NatureDynamics at the product section of our website.  

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