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Swine Vision and Lighting

Written by Dr. Aaron B. Stephan | Apr 26, 2023 10:24:08 PM


  • Similar size eye to humans - ~24 mm diameter
  • Pupil size is 5 - 11 mm—Larger than humans
  • Pupil is round whereas most ungulates are oval or slits
  • Pigs not adapted to bright sunlight
  • Iris is blue to dark brown in color in domestic swine
  • 310 degree field of vision with blind spot directly behind the body.  Binocular view is 35 - 50 degrees
  • Not sensitive to ultraviolet light
  • Pigs are near-sighted vs humans
  • Visual acuity is ~1/6 or less vs humans


Other Senses:

  • Very sensitive sense of smell
  • Sense of taste similar to humans
  • Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter
  • Prefer sweet to sour
  • Hearing similar to humans
  • Greater sensitivity in the ultrasonic range
  • Communication is by grunts that vary in frequency, tone, and magnitude



Pigs have 2 cones

  • Blue—Peak sensitivity at about 439 nm
  • Green-Yellow—Peak sensitivity at about 556 nm

Pigs are red/green color blind—unable to distinguish red from green colors



Farrowing Sows and Piglets

Bright lights with longer photoperiods showed an increase in litter size, heavier pigs, healthier piglets with a better immune response, with little effect on sow behavior (nursing interval, duration of nursing, or sitting/standing/lying behavior).     

—> Long day, bright light (16 - 20 hour photoperiod, 70+ lux)

Growing-Finishing Pigs

Pigs prefer to urinate and defecate in bright light, rest in dim light.  A 14 hour photoperiod showed increased weight gain and improved FCR and 80 lux showed better welfare and fewer agonistic interactions than 40 lux without affecting production

—> 14 hour photoperiod, 80 lux, dimmer light over resting area

Breeding Gilts and Sows

Illuminance has little effect on the maturation of gilts, but a significant effect in boars.  Short photoperiods encourage the onset of puberty in gilts and decrease the weaning to estrus interval in sows.  A low CRI has little effect on pigs but limited the ability of caretakers to detect changes in redness of the vulva for estrus or farrowing detection

—> Short or decreasing photoperiod and bright enough to work comfortably and detect estrus with a high CRI light source


A short photoperiod encourages puberty and results in higher steroid production, increased sperm count, and increased libido and also increases volume of ejaculation and number of sperm per ejaculate

—> Short photoperiod, dim light


Dalmau, Antoni, Pol Llonch, Antonio Velarde.  Pig vision and management/handling.  www.pig333.com.

Li, Yuzhi. (2014).  Normal and abnormal behaviours of swine under production conditions.  The Pig Site.

Neitz, J., & Jacobs, G. H. (1989). Spectral sensitivity of cones in an ungulate. Visual Neuroscience, 2(2), 97–100.

Taylor, N. (2010). Lighting for Pig Units. http://pork.ahdb.org.uk/media/39814/lighting-for-pig-units-final-report.pdf

Taylor, N., Prescott, N., Perry, G., Potter, M., Sueur, C. L., & Wathes, C. (2006). Preference of growing pigs for illuminance. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 96(1–2), 19–31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2005.04.016