Modular lighting up to 10W
Multi-Adapter Light Mini for Broilers (MLM-B)
The Multi-Adapter Light Mini (MLM) is a modular range of luminaires with light output that equals 15W CFL lamps. Species-specific light recipes are available for broilers, turkeys, layers or swine. The robust design, in combination with a range of adaptors, makes the Multi-Adapter Light Mini (MLM) luminaire suitable for a wide variety of applications.
- Modular, easy-to-install design
- Multiple, species-specific light recipes
- Excellent light uniformity for a range of applications
Suitable for:
Broiler Lighting
The Multi-Adapter Light Mini for Broilers (MLM-B) is an animal welfare-friendly lighting solution made to meet a birds’ developmental needs at every stage of growth. Designed with Dim-to-Blue® technology, it optimizes performance by providing a species-specific spectrum shown to naturally calm chickens, minimizing aggressive behaviors.
The Multi-Adapter Light Mini for Broilers (MLM-B) has an enhanced blue and green spectrum with added red content for early bird development. Green light increases growth during early stages of development, while blue light is shown to be helpful in the growth of poultry at a later age by elevating plasma androgens. Other studies show that blue light keeps birds calm, reduces corticosterone levels and heterophil:lymphocyte ratios—blood markers for short- and long-term stress and positively affects blood glucose and triglyceride levels.
The Multi-Adapter Light Mini for Broilers (MLM-B) has an enhanced blue and green spectrum with added red content for early bird development. Green light increases growth during early stages of development, while blue light is shown to be helpful in the growth of poultry at a later age by elevating plasma androgens. Other studies show that blue light keeps birds calm, reduces corticosterone levels and heterophil:lymphocyte ratios—blood markers for short- and long-term stress and positively affects blood glucose and triglyceride levels.
Prodotti/accessori rilevanti
Ottieni i migliori risultati per i tuoi animali e dalla tua azienda agricola.
"Credo fermamente che la luce applicata agli animali debba accompagnarli alla crescita scientificamente giorno per giorno con tutto il dinamismo dello spettro della naturalità replicando gli ambienti delle loro origini.
Ciò aiuterà gli animali a vivere in un ambiente più naturale e gli allevatori ad allevare animali più sani e più produttivi.
Per questo lavorerò con tutte le mie forze affinché NatureDynamics raggiunga ogni angolo del pianeta quanto prima possibile."
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