Jesteśmy częścią grupy firm Signify - dawniej znanej jako oświetlenie Philips. Pomagamy farmerom, takim jak Ty, korzystać z oświetlenia rolniczego od ponad 25 lat.

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Nasze rozwiązania systemów dynamicznego oświetlenia łączą najnowszą technologię LED z badaniami naukowymi. Dają Ci potężne narzędzie do promowania optymalnego rozwoju Twojego drobiu i trzody chlewnej.

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Oświetlenie dla hodowli zwierząt rozwija się szybko. W Signify, jesteśmy oddani temu, aby być na czele badań naukowych i innowacji. Nasz zespół naukowców i inżynierów nieustannie pracuje nad opracowywaniem innowacyjnych i zrównoważonych rozwiązań oświetleniowych.

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Tube lighting for layers system

Tube Light for Layers (TLL)

Modern cage-free housing requires lighting that supports farm management. The tube lighting for layers (TLL) system assures the right amount of light is evenly distributed over the barn. The tube lighting for layers (TLL) is dimmable and provides specific color spectrum lighting for layers.  It supports sunrise and sunset simulation strategies that optimize circadian rhythms and reduce animal stress.
  • Noticeably calmer and less stressed birds
  • Fully dimmable sunrise/sunset simulation improves animal welfare
  • 60” tube light provides a uniform and continuous light pattern free of dark spots
  • Red spectrum promotes sexual maturity
  • Easy installation decreases labor costs
  • Helps maintain circadian rhythms


Suitable for:

Experience healthier and more productive animals with the Tube Light for Layers (TLL). It features a species-specific spectrum with patented Dim-to-Red® technology that has been scientifically proven to encourage layer sexual maturation and daily egg production. When paired with a ONCE® AgriShift® Controller and recommended lighting schedule, producers have the ability to simulate a natural sunrise and sunset, maintaining circadian rhythms and reducing overall animal stress.

The Tube Light for Layers (TLL) offers a more uniform and continuous light pattern free of dark spots and shadows, so birds are calmer and less stressed.


  Length Input voltage Nominal power Nominal flux Efficacy Datasheet
Tube Light for Layers (TLL) 168/WR40 120V 1T/60 WB Gen 3 1382 mm 120V 3W 170 lm 57 lm/W Download
Tube Light for Layers (TLL) 168/WR40 120V 1T/97 WB Gen 3 2501 mm 120V 3W 170 lm 57 lm/W Download
Tube Light for Layers (TLL) 331/WR40 120V 2T/94 WB Gen 3 2392 mm 120V 6W 340 lm 57 lm/W Download
Tube Light for Layers (TLL) 331/WR40 120V 2T/97 WB Gen 3 2463 mm 120V 6W 340 lm 57 lm/W Download
Tube Light for Layers (TLL) 331/WR40 120V 2T/110 WB Gen 3 2761 mm 120V 6W 340 lm 57 lm/W Download
Tube Light for Layers (TLL) 331WR40 120V 2T/150 WB Gen 3 3883 mm 120V 6W 340 lm 57 lm/W Download
Tube Light for Layers (TLL) 331/WR40 120V 2T/194 WB Gen 3 4934 mm 120V 6W 340 lm 57 lm/W Download
Tube Light for Layers (TLL) 331/WR40 120V 2T/232 WB Gen 3 5884 mm 120V 6W 340 lm 57 lm/W Download
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