Jesteśmy częścią grupy firm Signify - dawniej znanej jako oświetlenie Philips. Pomagamy farmerom, takim jak Ty, korzystać z oświetlenia rolniczego od ponad 25 lat.

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Nasze rozwiązania systemów dynamicznego oświetlenia łączą najnowszą technologię LED z badaniami naukowymi. Dają Ci potężne narzędzie do promowania optymalnego rozwoju Twojego drobiu i trzody chlewnej.

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Oświetlenie dla hodowli zwierząt rozwija się szybko. W Signify, jesteśmy oddani temu, aby być na czele badań naukowych i innowacji. Nasz zespół naukowców i inżynierów nieustannie pracuje nad opracowywaniem innowacyjnych i zrównoważonych rozwiązań oświetleniowych.

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Wyświetl wszystkie produkty Nowe! Rozwiązania Bioasekuracji Skontaktuj się z nami
Our cutting-edge land-based aquaculture lighting offer for improving fish production and welfare


Our cutting-edge land-based aquaculture lighting offer in combination with its control systems are made to help to push your production further. Fish have adapted to the changes in light in their natural environment by evolving a biological clock that is synchronized and driven by light stimuli from their environment. This clock entrains physiological and behavioral processes that impacts the growing and perception of the season. Equipped with our patented fish light spectrum we provide a powerful tool for enhancing the fish production and welfare.
  • Synchronise light with the daily visual needs
  • Optimise feeding and distribution of fish in the tank
  • Reduce fish stress by gradually adjusting the light intensity and adopting sunrise/sunset and moonlight simulation (0.3% dimming levels)
  • Improve feed conversion rates utilizing the unique Philips Aquaculture lighting spectrum
  • Assist in the smoltification process
  • Delay sexual maturation improving growth rates and harvest weight
  • Full control on the seasonal growth cycles
  • Easy remote monitoring and control
  • Tank & site specific lighting commissioning and scheduling
  • Remote software maintenance and upgrading
Suitable for:
Our cutting-edge land-based aquaculture lighting offer in combination with its control systems are made to help to push your production further. Fish have adapted to the changes in light in their natural environment by evolving a biological clock that is synchronized and driven by light stimuli from their environment. This clock entrains physiological and behavioral processes that impacts the growing and perception of the season. Equipped with our patented fish light spectrum we provide a powerful tool for enhancing the fish production and welfare.
  Input voltage Nominal power Nominal flux Efficacy Datasheet
AquaAdvance Top LED 125W 230V ULTRA DIM 220-240 V / 50-60 Hz 125W 16.500 lm 135 lm/W Download
AquaAdvance Top LED 250W UltraDim 220-240 V / 50-60 Hz 250W 33.000 lm 135 lm/W Download
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